
$OASIS Tokenomics 🌴

$OASIS Contract Address (CA): 0xa74a05b17d72e9b0781d973e7963dfaacd266b94 Supply: 1,000,000,000 (1 Billion Tokens) Transaction fees: 5% Tax allocation: Team - Community Incentives - Marketing - Liquidity Additions - Buybacks - Staking Rewards Uniswap Supply Allocation: 81.25% Resource Distribution: 18.75% Supply Allocation: - Exchange Liquidity Management - Incentive Alignment - Liquidity Additions for Market Stability - Future Expansion Partnerships and Initiatives - Rewarding Early Contributors - Staking Rewards - Key Opinion Leaders By strategically allocating our resources, we pave the path for sustained growth, robust community engagement, and a vibrant ecosystem where every contributor is recognized and rewarded.

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